Auction #102 Signed copy of Cat City by Patti Larsen

I’m so excited about this auction guys! Up for grabs is a wonderful book by one of my writing buds, Patti Larsen!

Book description:

Ten-year-old Susan adopts Tucker, a butterscotch tabby, thinking he is just an ordinary cat. But when Tucker rescues her from the rats and brings her to his magical city deep underground, Susan literally falls head first into a war between the enchanted cats who live under her house and the evil rats who want to claim Cat City for their own.

Hugs and kisses to Patti for the donation:

  • This auction will run from today until 11:59 pm Est June 17th and is open internationally.
  • All bids will be in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must increase by at least a dollar.


Filed under Signed book

2 responses to “Auction #102 Signed copy of Cat City by Patti Larsen

  1. Jennifer Rayment

    contestmom AT hotmail DOT com