Auction #100 Signed books from The Workhorsery

This auction is for two signed books from The Workhorsery and a gorgeous, limited edition book cover.

The books:

Pitouie by Derek Winkler

The independent corporate freehold of Pitouie is a fleck of rock in the South Pacific. It has no industry, no economy and no natural resources. What it does have is a volcano, a glossy brochure and a list of industrial waste producers, whose executives are about to descend on the island’s pristine shores to bid for a hole in the ground.

Otis Wilson, associate editor of Waste Insight magazine, is also enroute to Pitouie. He thinks he’s going to watch an innocent nation reach for the soap in the prison shower of international commerce. What he’s going to find is much stranger and has something to do with events in an Inuit village in the Arctic 35 years ago. Sorting it out will be challenging, even without the distraction of the girl. 

You and the Pirates by Jocelyne Allen 

After witnessing a possible terrorist attack in Tokyo, you encounter an increasingly bizarre series of characters who may or may not be magic, gods or even really there. Only once you team up with a multinational team of marooned pirates does the enigma of what you’ve unwittingly stumbled into begin to unravel.

Thanks so  much to The Workhorsery for the donation:

  • This auction will run from today until 11:59 pm Est June 17th and is open to North America.
  • All bids will be in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must increase by at least a dollar.


Filed under Signed book, Swag

2 responses to “Auction #100 Signed books from The Workhorsery

  1. lavenderlines

    I can’t believe no one has bid on this yet! $15