A final word and a thank-you

Well folks, that’s a wrap for the Slave Lake book auction. 🙂

For the duration of this little adventure I have been amazed and choked up at the generosity of all the authors, publishers, booknerds and other peeps who have donated items, helped me to promote the auction and bid like CRAZY. But at the same time I wasn’t at all surprised: I knew already that Canada’s publishing and writing community was kick-ass. But it wasn’t just Canucks that stepped forward. In fact, the first author to offer up a signed book is from Alaska (big hugs go out to Don Rearden).

While the auction was an unbelievable amount of hard work, it was also a lot of fun. I LOVED watching the bidding wars going on and all the fun comments between bidders, egging each other on (yes Angie, I’m looking at YOU!). I loved that some of the books were hand delivered to the winners. I loved that authors offered up a SECOND copy to auction losers who wanted to pony up the same amount as the winners. I loved that up until the last post I was still getting donations in.

So thank you all so, so much for making this auction a roaring success. Because of you Slave Lake Library now has $4,909 to put towards rebuilding their library.

And that’s just freaking awesome.



Filed under Auction

10 responses to “A final word and a thank-you

  1. Kim

    Thank-you for all of your hard work!

  2. Fantastic! You should write a press release and submit it to local and national media. Great event.

  3. Kirstin

    amazing Colleen – good work you!

  4. Tracey P.

    Thank you! You put together an amazing event.

  5. Wow, $4909! That is awesome! 😀

  6. Glad to have helped out such a worthy cause! I’m so happy at the amazing amount you have raised. Well done!


    Karen Dales

  7. tiziana

    I’m really happy to hear of your success and also happy to have helped out. Thank you for auction.

  8. Jay

    Great work! Congratulations – and thanks for running such a an awesome auction!!!

  9. Congratulations!!!

  10. Well done, Colleen, and I agree that you and your auction should be getting some coverage–it would inspire others to step up when all seems lost.
    It was a pleasure ‘working’ with you. Take care,
    Linda Granfield